Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Casanova, aggressive to take over Camp John Hay

BCDA hinders Camp John Hay progress. As in seriously!

The appointed CEO Arnel Casanova is still harassing the Camp John Hay (CJHDevCo) its locators and sub-leases.

Camp John Hay is in trouble. Casanova is very aggressive to take over the Camp John Hay although he is still not complying to the order of the PDRCI.

The difference is the developer has sincerity, but Casanova? he doesn’t know how to respect the rights of others. Because of this situation, any land development is being hindered, obstructing any progress and growth for the popular tourist spot.

Arnel Casanova is calling for a turnover of all properties, including on-going projects and he wants to drive investors away and to vacate Camp John Hay, regardless of their lease.

Casanova is very aggressive doing all kinds of harassment. It was also reported before that he is fun of doing misleading press statements.

On a suspicion and later on was proven, when Casanova became the CEO, private developers have found it increasingly difficult to get anything done by withholding permits and other similar delaying tactics.

If we remember, he stated that CJHDevCo don’t have obligation to the locators and sub-leases because they are paying their rental to the developer and not to the government. 

Camp John Hay should remain in the control of CJHDevCo. They honor their agreement between the camp, its buyers, sub-lessees,  sub-locators, and hotel unit owners.

When the camp was in their control it was developed into a fully realized tourist attraction, boosting not just Baguio’s tourism economy, but also the whole country.

There’s a tribunal decision but BCDA won’t religiously commit to it.

Rather than helping the tourism business in Baguio City, Casanova is subverting it through his awful administration.

Casanova has a motivation behind why he is doing this exchange. Rumor has it that BCDA had effectively earned billion pesos with their exchanges.

Casanova should be held in a congressional inquiry.

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